
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Stay Doomed 127: Kid Nation Part 2
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
A brutal election. A secret treasure. A heartbreaking loss. This is Part Two of KID NATION. Join Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan as they try to defy producers and find compassion for 38 kids in way over their heads. Will the kids survive gross negligence and starvation? Or will they DEAL WITH IT...I mean, STAY DOOMED?
Wanna watch before you listen? Watch it here:
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next!
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Stay Doomed 127: Kid Nation Part 1
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
40 days. 40 kids. One ghost town. No adults. There lies the promise of KID NATION. Part reality show, part social experiment, all child exploitation. Join Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan as the horror unfolds of 40 children between 8 and 15 left entirely to their own devices. Will the kids prove they can make a society without adults? or will the little town of Bonanza City STAY DOOMED?
Wanna watch before you listen? Watch it here:
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next!
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Stay Doomed 126: Dollar a Second
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
A brand new game show. A race against time. A grown man in a sailor suit. These are the pieces that make up DOLLAR A SECOND, the attempted 1981 revival of the 50s game show. Join Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan as they analyze the moral character of game show hosts and calculate 40 years of inflation. Will the premise hold up as one of the great game shows? Or will it STAY DOOMED?
Wanna watch before you listen? Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wyga5lhfqpg
Next we are watching Kid Nation! Watch it here:
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next!
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Stay Doomed 125: Rosie
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Oh god! Cursed image! As voted on by Patreon Laura and Noah take a look at the 1960's pilot Rosie. This is the story of a talking dog played by a grown man and also... a murder? Maybe? Will Rosie find a home in our hearts, or is it ruined like our nice furs and STAY DOOMED? Not (yet) sponsored by Beatbox.
Wanna watch before you listen? Check it out here:
Next we are watching Kid Nation! Watch it here:
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next!
Thank you to our Crowd Funding Cryptkeepper: Mathew Palmieri
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Stay Doomed 124: Push Nevada part 2
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Seven days ago, Agent James Prufrock was sent a fax from PUSH NEVADA. Join Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan as they navigate the tail end of PUSH NEVADA, and each of our hosts has a surprise bombshell to drop. Will Jim and our hosts make it through unscathed, or will they STAY DOOMED?
Wanna watch before you listen? Check it out here:
Next week we are watching the 1960s pilot Rosie! Check it out here:
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next!
Thank you to our Crowd Funding Cryptkeepper: Mathew Palmieri
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Stay Doomed 124: Push, Nevada Part 1
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
When a rouge fax ends up on the desk of noble tax man Jim Proofrock, he can't leave well enough alone. He ends up in the town of Push Nevada and uncovering its many secrets including a man with a serpent tattoo, a mysterious north wing and a vault robbed of over a million dollars in cash. Cash that the viewer can win if they find the clues in every episode. Will you find the clues that would lead Jimbo to a season 2, or we let the heat kill it in just four hours and STAY DOOMED!
Wanna watch before you listen? Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43gUMiwfukA&list=PL0-OMNczgNhlDYbvc0DZoXlhCG9CPVlzF

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Stay Doomed 123: "The Life of Larry" & "Steve and Larry"
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Stay Doomed 122: To Riverdale and Back Again
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
This is it, graverobbers: the episode Laura has been waiting for. It's time for Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan to take you TO RIVERDALE AND BACK AGAIN! That's right, today they're attacking the 1990 made-for-TV movie. Before Riverdale made Archie and the gang angsty, sexy twentysomethings playing teenagers, To Riverdale and Back again made Archie and the gang....angsty, sexy twentysomethings playing thirtysomethings. Will Archie save Pop's Chock'lit Shop? Or will their beloved hangout and this attempt to kickstart a franchise STAY DOOMED?
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next! https://www.patreon.com/PlusTwoComedy
Thank you to our Crowd Funding Cryptkeepper: Mathew Palmieri
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Stay Doomed 121: Chris Elliott's Action Familiy
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next! https://www.patreon.com/PlusTwoComedy
Thank you to our Crowd Funding Cryptkeepper: Mathew Palmieri
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Stay Doomed 120: Amazing Race Part 2
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
What happens with a race is derailed, a family falls apart, and you need to drive through 300 miles of desert to get to a bear? THE AMAZING RACE: FAMILY EDITION (Part Two!) Join Laura Prince and Noah Houlihan as they guide you through the second half of the failed experiment. Will these families stay together and survive this adventure? Or will this less-than-amazing race STAY DOOMED?
Wanna watch before you listen? Check it out on Hulu!
Next we we are watching Action Family! Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dGRBv-js30
Check out our Patreon and you can vote on what we should watch next! https://www.patreon.com/PlusTwoComedy
Thank you to our Crowd Funding Cryptkeepper: Mathew Palmieri
Have an idea for what Stay Doomed should cover next? Already seen the show and have a question or comment for us to read on the podcast? Have a cocktail idea? Email us at TheStayDoomedShow@Gmail.com or tweet at @StayDoomed or check us out on Facebook!